Monday, July 13, 2020

July 13th 2020 Just remembering our two grown baby daughters Coleen and Chelsey!

Well it has been a while since I put up a post.  But here goes.
We have managed to hold our own and help several families throughout the years.  GOFundMe has given us a run for the money.

However, I am NOT GIVING UP!!!  We are here to help families and yes we need your donations because without them we can not do ANYTHING. 

So to any and every person that has donated to helping our foundation to help these families through the years, THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS EACH OF YOU!

We just want the communities to know how much we love them and that we are here for you all!

Since I have last posted we lost our precious daughter Chelsey C. Coberly.  What a tragedy for all of us who loved her so much.  Right after we lost Chelsey, I have been diagnosed with stage one breast cancer and I had to have my left breast removed.  Then my husband lost his job.  So I would say that as a family we have taken some pretty serious hits. 

But all in all, I will never give up on people helping us to help others. GOD BLESS BURIED WITH DIGNITY AND ALL OF THE FAMILIES THAT WE ARE HELPING. 

WE ARE NOT GIVING UP.  IF you want to make a donation, please just visit the website and you can make a donation there to help the next family in line.

Donations at -

Love and Peace
From Me to You Peeps <3

Saturday, March 14, 2020

I am New at this Blogger thingy so go easy on me folks ok lol?  I would be so grateful for any and all comments on how GOD helped you through a really rough time in your life.  I am battling cancer right now and reaching out to people that know GOD or want to know GOD and want to share with me how GOD helped them in their own lives or struggles. 

I let GOD into my life at 13 years of age and I have no regrets at all.  Many times and every single time I have gone through some really off the wall situations, GOD was the ONLY one there for me.  Has this happened to you?  Can you share this with me?  Can we encourage each other with our own situations where We have the Faith and how We obeyed GOD and how HE Blessed your life?

I would be eternally grateful if you would share with me how GOD touched your life and turned the bad into good for you.  I would love to share with you all the many heartaches that GOD has walked me through one by one.  The many times I thought I was going to lose my mind, and God showed me that His arms were wrapped tightly around me protecting me the entire time!

Dear Jesus:

As you know Lord WE are battling Cancer right now, and because you are my Lord and Savior...WE are winning this War.  I Believe that with my entire heart and soul.  Father thank you for each sleepless night.  In the beginning, I was angry and cried out to you "Lord, why have you forsaken me" only to find out that you never left my side the entire time!  You, God, showed me with each sleepless night how you stood by my side the entire time, during each painful moment and each sleepless night.  I begged you to show me what it was that you wanted from me and you did!!!! 

You said over and over to me "BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD" Psalm 46:10 and then when I listened Father you spoke again and said to me over and over again "I CAN <===== DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME" Philippians 4:13  At that moment I listened to you speaking to me Lord, then and ONLY then did I realize that in giving YOU all of my pain and suffering was the beginning of me healing. ONLY then did I realize God that when I listened to you speaking to me did I realize that YOU NEVER LEFT MY SIDE NOT EVEN FOR ONE MOMENT!!!! That LORD GOD is when I realized that BELIEVING is One part of praying but the most important part of praying is THE FAITH!!!  Because your word also says that Prayers WITHOUT FAITH are as good as DEAD!!!

So thank you, Jesus, for those sleepless nights, thank you Father GOD for all of the pain, Thank you so much for loving me and never leaving me Lord.  For the many times when I could not even find a family member or a friend to talk to..YOU MY LORD AND SAVIOR NEVER LEFT ME SIDE!!! I HUMBLY THANK YOU GOD AND LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! <3 Just me Your Cancer Surviving one day at a time Kid...Maryann